About Us
Who Are We?

We are Will and DJ, a couple of backpackers using our vast travel experience to bring you the most badass outdoor gear around. We've also recently expanded to bring you some of the most comfortable clothes for the road with our harem pants.
Between us, we have visited 100+ countries around the world in the past 10 years. Each time on the road, we noticed ourselves using the same gear over and over, while buying so many unnecessary accessories that we didn't use once. So, we decided to help others avoid that mistake. 3 years ago we embarked on a journey to create backpacker-approved, practical travel gear at a reasonable price. Products that are made to enhance your travels.
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So, What is Active Roots?

Active Roots is a company for travelers, by travelers. We believe that traveling the world is the ultimate learning curve and that by experiencing new cultures, adventures and challenges we can evolve into more awesome human beings. We know that reliable gear on the road is a must and we only offer top notch products that will enhance your journey. Our goal is to spread the spirit of adventure, to serve the nomad community and to make the world a better place by supporting noble causes near and far.
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Giving Back

The world has provided us with so much, so we think it’s only right to give back. A percentage of all Active Roots profits are donated to support causes that are important to the Active Roots family, such as climate change, pollution, and clean water to those in need. One organization we work with is the Elephant Conservation Center in Sayaboury, Laos; an organization dedicated to starting a new era for the conservation of the endangered Asian elephant species through various veterinary and rehabilitation practices. Your continued support helps them provide a safe environment for this severely endangered species. By shopping with Active Roots, you are helping us fight for things that matter in the world.
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Contact Us
Here at Active Roots, we strive to be more than just another line of adventure gear. We aim to support you in all of your endeavors by providing reliable gear that you will actually use. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or just want to say hi, give us a shout! We would love to hear what you have to say. We can be reached at DJ@activeroots.co